
DMA 2013 – Boingnet v2 Launch Wrap up

Boingnet v2 has a great launch at DMA 2013!

We had an amazing few days in Chicago at DMA 2013 as many things came together quickly. The hard working team at Boingnet was able to launch the beta of Boingnet v2, launch our new website and put together a great trade show display and experience all at the same time.  After handing out hundreds of the renowned Boingnet Ping Pong Balls and engaging in great conversations with prospects, partners and customers, the team is both exhausted and exhilarated.  There’s no question that the market has a thirst for a lightweight, self service marketing automation platform. Personalization, landing pages, and integration of channels into one platform without the overhead, cost and complexity of the large enterprise marketing suites were all mentioned as top needs. Our new Landing Page and Email designer, that automatically generates responsive designed code through a fun, simple and really cool Bootstrap 3 interface was a huge hit. Stay tuned as we follow up with hundreds of leads and continue to cover new ground as we continue through the fall.

Alec talks with potential partners