
Email Campaigns & new Boingnet Features

New Feature Alert – Email Campaigns (Standalone!) and much more


Since the launch of v2 in late 2013, we’ve been hard at work developing new features, workflows and content at a rapid pace. We’ve heard from many customers that standalone email campaigns could be a big hit – so here they are – a new campaign type within Boingnet – Email Campaigns.  Below is a partial list of cool things that we’ve added to help you be as productive as possible while you use Boingnet:


New Campaign Type – Email Campaigns. Email Campaigns enable you to get out an email blast quickly to a list, without integrating pURL’s/microsites as a part of the process. Combined with our new list cleaning feature and ultra low pricing (Blows away MailChimp/Constant Contact – see for yourself) you should run your next email campaign with Boingnet.
New Home Page – giving you a simple, easy understanding of how to get started in Boingnet, as well as links to our new help articles and a great new graph that shows the activity of your most recent campaign.


New Help Content – we’ve been busy writing, grabbing screen shots and making videos that can help you get started and stay productive.  You can now access the help either on the Boingnet Knowledgebase website, inside the Boingnet application on the far right side (there’s now slide out, context sensitive help articles and search available here throughout the application).

New Interface – the Campaign Summary page.  If you click on the “Campaigns” menu on the top navigation, you’ll see that we now have several selections. The Campaign Summary is now divided into 3 tabs that correspond to the 3 different campaign types. Within each tab, you can now search for a campaign (name search) and sort on the column headings to quickly find the campaign you hope to view or edit.

Within Boingnet Personalized and Lead Generation Campaigns, the Microsite is what binds a set of landing page templates to a campaign for deployment and reporting purposes. We’ve created some powerful new functionality within the Create and Edit Microsite functions:

Check out these new features or our free trial – Log In or Sign Up Now!

Questions? Thoughts? Give us a shout at (800) 264-6420 or shoot us a note at with any ideas or thoughts you may have.