
Bridging the Print-to-Digital Divide: A pURL Marketing Case Study

As we’ve mentioned many times before (see here, here, and here), direct mail is on the rise. And it’s not just because younger generations love the novelty of it all (which they do). Nor is it just because older generations appreciate getting something in the mail once in a while that isn’t a bill (which they also do). It’s because, thanks to pURL Marketing, direct mail has finally caught up with the technology boom and can now integrated into multi-channel marketing campaigns that are tracked for ROI.

Translation: marketers now love it, too.

Click the image to see it in full size

There’s a reason most marketers switched over to 100% digital marketing over the years. And it’s not just because people love getting email (a novelty that wore off nearly 20 years ago).

It’s a data-driven world out there and today’s modern marketers want tracking. They want success metrics. They want the ability to follow-up with every prospect, lead, and contact they reach out to.  They want insight into how their campaigns are performing. Up until recently, printed Direct Mail could not provide any of this whereas digital could.

It’s 2016, however, and pURL Marketing has reinvented the concept of Direct Mail as we know it. Today’s pURLs are so much more than just URLs with a person’s name in it.  Yes, today’s pURL Marketing still prints a personalized URL on a mailer. But that’s just the start of the personalized experience.

With the right software, marketers can now leverage variable data and logic to create custom landing pages or microsites that are 100% tailored for each individual prospect.  These landing pages are fully trackable, too, which means that any direct mail recipient who visits one can be automatically flagged and entered into an automated email or drip nurturing campaign. (see the workflow above for more detail)

Interested in learning more about how it’s done?

Check out our latest case study, where we discuss how Boingnet helped PGi, the world’s largest dedicated provider of collaboration software and services, take their direct mail to the next level with the power of pURL Marketing and Drip Nurturing.

Download pURL Case Study

Using pURL Marketing to Bridge the Gap Between Print and Digital