
7 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Direct Mail Marketing Campaign

While many people think direct mail marketing is a relic from the past that’s no longer useful in a digitally-dominated world, it’s still an effective way to reach your intended audience.

Moreover, direct mail print marketing has a strong reputation among customers for its trustworthiness while offering a more personal approach than internet marketing. One study even showed that up to 90 percent of direct mail gets opened.

Why Do Consumers Trust Direct Mail?

But an excellent direct mail marketing campaign needs a solid strategy, and the following are suggestions for getting the most from your plan.

1. Know Your Target Customer

Perhaps the biggest key for success in a direct mail marketing campaign is getting the right message to the right audience. Define your target audience and customers before you begin. For one, you’ll mail only to the best potential prospects while saving money that you’d spend on a mass mailing.

2. Know Your Goal

Once you’ve identified your target audience, develop a goal for your campaign. The goal could be getting people to visit your website or to set up a consultation. Setting up a pURL (Personalized URL) for your mailer is an easy way to track exactly who responds on your website. Ensure that your pURL is clearly indicated on the mail creative and that the offer is linked to visiting the pURL.

3. Personalize Your Mailer

It may cost a bit more money, but taking an extra step to personalize your mailer – such as individual names printed on the envelope – encourages engagement. People are less apt to open something addressed to “current resident” than they are with something that has their name on it.

4. Know Your Message

A “one mailer says it all” approach isn’t as effective as one that includes a message that resonates with potential customers but also creates the intended impact. You won’t risk confusing your audience, for one, while also exactly pinpointing what you want to say.

5. Make it Stand Out

Once you’ve set your budget for your mailer, don’t be afraid to get as creative as possible. For instance, you could send out posters, tabbed pieces that fold out, calendars, etc. The more substantial the piece, the less likely it will get tossed out. If your budget allows, it’s also a good idea to hire a professional designer to create a product that fits seamlessly with your company’s branding and website.

6. Be Persistent

Never get discouraged if you don’t get the type of response that you thought your mailer deserved. Stopping at one mailer ensures that your campaign has no chance of succeeding. Take a closer look at your first mailing to make sure there weren’t errors or something else amiss. Only when your campaign fully runs its course should you make major changes to it.

7. Don’t Wait To Start Planning Your Next Mailer

If you wait too long for your next marketing campaign, you risk losing the attention of your targeted audience. Consistency is important to every type of marketing, and you never want to lose momentum.

The bottom line is that it’s important to not dismiss direct mail as a costly, ineffective form of marketing. If your mailer is planned correctly and geared to the correct audience, the chances are good that you’ll see excellent results.

About the Author:

Caryl Anne Crowne is a contributing author and media specialist for Allegra Marketing. She regularly produces content for a variety of blogs that center around digital and print business solutions and ideas.