Personalized URL Free Trial

Get 60 Days Free With PURLs, Landing Pages + Email + Drip Automation

Get A No Hassle 60 Day Personalized URL Free Trial

Our Personalized URL Free Trial is the best way to try out PURL Campaigns. Our 60 Day Free Trial lets you:

  • Run LIVE PURL CAMPAIGNS with landing pages, email blasts and drip campaigns
  • Build mobile responsive landing pages & microsites with our template editor
  • Upload lists with up to 100 Contacts
  • Map Variable Data Fields & Personalize Templates
  • Integrate your data with over 600 web applications
  • Use a free domain ( for testing during your trial
  • Download pURL’s and use them in email or direct mail
  • Run Triggered Drip Email Campaigns based on pURL behavior

Personalized URL Free Trial - Boingnet

Personalized URL Free Trial Support – Talk To The Experts

We are here to help. Our team of PURL campaign experts will guide you to success.

  • Contact Us or call (800) 264-6420 – we’d love to help
  • Get best practices from thousands of Personalized URL campaigns that we’ve run
  • Sample lists, templates and campaigns are pre-loaded for you

Watch The Free Trial Welcome Video

Start Your Free Trial

* Your privacy is important to us, we’ll never share
your information.