Cool var data page

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Variable Data Testing

Hi %FirstName%

This is a test to see about dynamic replacement

First: %FirstName%
Last: %LastName%
City: %City%
State: %State%
Zip: %Zip%

Var1: %VarField1%

Lets try it in a form as well


Variable Logic Testing

Testing % FirstName % == ‘ELIZABETH’
{{if (‘%FirstName%’ == ‘ELIZABETH’)}}
Your name is %FirstName%!!!


Testing 1==1
{{if (1==1)}}
One is equal to one to print out some stuff here



Testing 1<4
{{if (1<4)}}
One is less then four!


Testing 1>4
{{if (1>4)}}
One is not greater than four


Testing 1<=1
{{if (1<=1)}}
One less than or equal to 1



Testing 1 != 2
{{if (1 != 2)}}
One is not equal to 2


Testing ‘Alec’==’Alec’
{{if (‘Alec’==’Alec’)}}
Your name is Alec


Testing ‘Alec’!=’Joe’
{{if (‘Alec’!=’Joe’)}}
Alec does not equal Joe!


Testing ‘Alec’==’Joe’
{{if (‘Alec’==’Joe’)}}
Alec should not equal Joe!


Testing 1 == 1 && ‘Alec’ == ‘Alec’
{{if (1 == 1 && ‘Alec’ == ‘Alec’)}}
One is not equal to 2


Testing 1 == 2 || ‘Alec’ == ‘Alec’
{{if (1 == 2 || ‘Alec’ == ‘Alec’)}}
one is not equal to 2 BUT Alec = Alec


Testing an if/then/else if(‘%FirstName%’==’ELIZABETH’) Your nickname is Liz else We will call you Betty
{{if(‘%FirstName%’==’ELIZABETH’)}}Your nickname is Liz{{else}}We will call you Betty{{endif}}


Testing Compount if with else : if(‘%FirstName%’==’ELIZABETH’ && ‘%LastName%’==’GRAZIANO’) Great name combination else Your name needs some work
{{if(‘%FirstName%’==’ELIZABETH’ && ‘%LastName%’==’GRAZIANO’)}}Great name combination{{else}}Your name needs some work{{endif}}