Audiences Campaign Demo

Home/Audiences Campaign Demo

Hello %FirstName% We heard that you are interested in %VarField1%

We are giving away some great swag based on your interests.

[[if(‘%VarField1%’==’Sports’)]]You like sports![[else]][[endif]]


[[if(‘%VarField1%’==’Sports’)]]Free New England Patriots Tickets!


[[else]][[endif]] [[if(‘%VarField1%’==’Mountain Biking’)]]A Free Santa Fe Mountain Bike!

[[else]][[endif]] [[if(‘%VarField1%’==’Video Games’)]]$100 Gift Card to GameStop!

[[else]][[endif]] [[if(‘%VarField1%’==’Celebrity Gossip’)]]Free Dinner with Channing Tatum!

The Boingnet Story

Boingnet Founder & CTO Alec Graziano had a thriving Boston area web development firm in 2008, and like many small businesses, decided to expand through better marketing. He loved the targeting and personalization that direct mail marketing gave him, so he bought a list of local businesses.

Alec quickly realized that he ought to be using the same data that powered his direct marketing to personalize, target & track landing pages & emails for those same targets.

Personalized URLs were a new thing that enabled cross-channel marketing campaigns. After surveying the market and seeing a lot of clunky, expensive and rigid software, he decided to build his own. And so it began.

A simple idea – using the same variable data to personalize and track offline and online marketing, lead to the creation of Boingnet.