Lightweight Marketing Automation


Fast, Easy and Affordable Marketing Automation
Agency & Small Business Editions

What is Lightweight Marketing Automation?

Lightweight means easy to use, fast to set up and affordable for small businesses and agencies. Our Marketing Automation software is simple, friendly and  built for small teams to quickly crank out great campaigns. Marketing automation doesn’t have to take 6 months to implement and eat up your entire budget. Boingnet gives you just what you need to quickly get new leads, educate them and earn their trust, and convince them to buy.


Boingnet Features


Landing Pages With Autoresponders

Mobile friendly landing pages help you find new leads that you can begin marketing to immediately with integrated autoresponder and drip campaigns. Boingnet landing pages power content marketing, PPC, SEO, Display ads, events, sales and more. You can even embed Boingnet web forms in other websites with Javascript snippets to gather new leads from all of your web properties. Fill your lead funnel with Boingnet Landing Pages.

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Boingnet Drip Marketing

Drip Marketing and Lead Nurturing

“Set it and forget it” is the motto – here’s where marketing automation really saves you time and makes you money. Drip marketing and lead nurturing campaigns reach out to the leads you generate or lists you upload with scheduled, automated email. Use your content marketing skills to develop a relationship with each target with our personalization tools, while Boingnet monitors and reacts to each open, click and action.

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Email Marketing – Mobile Friendly and Integrated

Launch email campaigns that range from newsletters to sophisticated, highly personalized campaigns with our amazing Email Designer that produces mobile ready, responsive designed emails that deliver opens and clicks. Boingnet email marketing seamlessly integrates with your landing pages, drip campaigns, lead nurture campaigns, direct mail pURL marketing and content microsites to keep everything in one platform.

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Boingnet pURL marketing

Direct Mail and Email pURL Marketing

Launch personalized microsites and  landing pages with flexible, personalized URLs and domains that can be distributed through direct mail, email or mobile messaging. Boingnet Personalized URL’s provide one to one marketing in an integrated, easy to use platform. pURL marketing has become a must have for direct mail and email marketers that demand personalization in an affordable package.

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Boingnet Microsites

Microsites – Deeper Engagement For Content Marketing

Microsites give your web traffic or direct marketing targets an exclusive online destination to research, interact and immerse in your content marketing. Boingnet Microsites are assembled from responsive page templates, can be personalized and can be updated “on the fly” as testing and real data shows what is working. There’s no easier way to build a microsite for your next content marketing campaign.

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Boingnet Analytics - provide detailed and summary reporting of campaign activity

Reporting and Analytics: Real-Time and Integrated

Marketing automation comes together with integrated analytics. Measure the effectiveness of campaigns across channels and segments. Understand key metrics from the campaign, including the details of individual responders, non responders, who has converted and who hasn’t converted. Integrate with dashboards and 3rd party reporting tools using our robust API.

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