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PURL Campaigns For Direct Mail Whitepaper

Connect Direct Mail To Marketing Automation With A PURL

Download our new PURL Campaign For Direct Mail Whitepaper and learn how recent advances let you easily connect inbound marketing automation with outbound direct mail to maximize campaign results.

Download Now To Learn:

  • How Direct Mail & Marketing Automation Can and Should Work Together
  • How PURL Campaigns are a simple, easy to implement “Bridge” between Direct & Digital
  • Best Practices for combining “Outbound” Direct Mail with “Inbound” Marketing Automation

PURL Campaigns For Direct Mail Whitepaper Cover

PURL Campaigns – The Bridge Between Direct Mail & Marketing Automation

Smart marketers know that outbound direct mail can generate targeted, high quality leads quickly and easily. Meanwhile, marketing automation can efficiently nurture leads with content before handing them off to sales. So why then, for so many organizations, do direct and inbound teams and processes operate as completely separate units with little to no integration?  The answer lies in the technology. There hasn’t been an easy, cost efficient way to tie the two disciplines together. Until now. This whitepaper outlines how PURL campaigns for direct mail connect direct with digital.
PURL Campaigns For Direct Mail Chart

Nurture Direct Mail Leads With A PURL

Direct marketers have long used Personalized URL technology to track the online response of direct mail and outbound email campaigns. Recent technology advances have created easy ways to drive direct mail leads into drip nurture workflows set up within marketing automation platforms. Research has shown how well designed direct mail campaigns can use PURLs and drip nurturing emails to raise response rates by 400%!

Download The PURL Whitepaper